
Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE)
Albemarle Chemical Corporation
Alliance of Meeting Management Co’s (AMMC)
American Assurance
American Bus Association (ABA)
American Express
American Rental Association
American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS)
American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA)
Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP)
Atlantic Richfield Oil Corporation (ARCO)
Automotive Service Association
Aventis Corporation
AVIS Rent-A-Car
Barefoot Wines/ Gallo
Blue Cross / Blue Shield
Boeing Company
Boise Cascade Corporation
Borax Corporation
California Bankers Association
California Superior Court Judges Association
California Travel Association
ComData Corporation
Elkem Metals Company
E.V. Roberts Adhesive Company
Fannie Mae Mortgage Company
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Fireman’s Fund Insurance
Florida Society of Association Executives
Getty Trust
Global Business Travel Association (GBTA)
Guide Dogs for the Blind
Hewlett Packard / Agilent
Hoffman Travel
Home Savings and Loan
Hughes Electronics
Ingram Micro Corporation
Kensington Technology Group
Las Vegas Hotel Mgrs. Association
Mattel Incorporated
Maritz/TQ3 Travel Company
Meeting Professional International, 25+ chapters (MPI)
Motorola Inc.
MSP Resources
National Association of Print and Ink Manufacturers
National Association of Fleet Administrators
National Association of Fabric and Decorators
Nevada Department of Tourism
NHP Corporation
Noranda Mining Company
Northstar Media
Northwest Airlines
Oro America Gold Manufacturers
Outrigger Corporation
PacifiCorp Transportation and Utilities
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG & E)
“Great dramatic presentation, engages the audience and keeps them engaged” – Blue Cross Association “Your presentation drew more response than we anticipated and was one of the best seminars I have attended at ARCO Oil.” – ARCO Corporation
“Your program is credible and extremely informative. Over one thousand Motorola employees have gone through your seminars and we will be expanding this program next year.” – Motorola
“Your travel safety presentation was one we have never seen or thought of before – thanks for giving our sales staff some great tools for the toolbox when they meet with clients. Thanks!” – United Airlines
“You have an excellent presentation style. You were able to present a serious subject matter in an upbeat, professional, and enthusiastic manner. Your stories and sense of humor were the “icing on the cake.” – Xerox Credit Union
“Excellent concrete hits for the traveler, makes me think about things I have been taking for granted, please allow more time for this speaker next time.” – ExxonMobil
Panasonic Electronics
Pioneer Hy-Bred
Pennsylvania Bankers Association
Pfizer Company
Principal Financial Group
Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA)
QST Travel Company
Rockwell International Corp.
Rubber Manufacturers Association
Samsung Electronics Corp.
Samsonite Luggage Company
Scott Fetzer Company
SmithKline Beecham
So Cal Chapter of Financial Professionals
Society of Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE)
SRG International (Barcelona)
System One Amadeus Corp.
Texaco Refining & Marketing, Inc.
Toyota Motors Inc.
Tokyo Electronics
Travel and Transport
TQ3 – Maritz Travel Company
United Airlines U.S. Department of Agriculture
VISA / VISA International
World Presidents Organization (WPO)
Xerox Corporation & Federal Credit Union
Young Presidents Organization (YPO)
Some of Detective Coffey's Clients